Friday, July 20, 2007

Eye-Pleasing Ancient Architecture

I will be adding more entries about my actual travels, some from the past and some from the present. Meanwhile, if you are interested in architecture, or simply like to view aesthetcially pleasing and ornate artwork, this may be of interest: Alhambra.

I recently received a CD I ordered (Belly Dance for Fortune and Fame, by "Stella" of Belly Dance New York). One of the 17 tracks was titled Alhambra, which sounded familiar. I thought the name sounded Spanish or Arabic. My internet search revealed it as a 14th century palace-citadel of (Islamic) ruler Mohammed I.

Alhambra is located in the southern Spanish city of Granada. One could imagine its spaces filled with colorfully dressed people during a celebration:

Imagine the hours of labor spent crafting this beautiful relief:

Links: great architecture

Map of Granada, Spain

The Moors


Sophie Canin said...

Thank you so much for your comment!
This photos are beautiful and I like the relief! wahooo :p

Jen said...


Thanks! I'm glad you like it.